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Re: compilation issues for winscp520

jackylin wrote:

1). missing hpp files inside folder:"packages", like: "packages\tb2k\TB2Dock.hpp". I fixed this issue by copying those header files from another old version.

The .hpp files are automatically generated by pascal compiler, if you compile the projects in packages folder. Or just use the build.bat.

2). Missing function "DoAlwaysFalse()". Comilation breaks at line "2288" of file"\source\core\Queue.cpp": bool DoCheckCancel = ALWAYS_FALSE(UserAction == NULL) || !UserAction->Force();

I try to bypass this issue by replace original macro definition:
#define ALWAYS_FALSE(p) DoAlwaysFalse(p, TEXT(#p), TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__)
with the new one:
#define ALWAYS_FALSE(p) (!(p))

Will fix. Note that your implementation of ALWAYS_FALSE is wrong. It should be
#define ALWAYS_FALSE(p) p

compilation issues for winscp520

I just downloaded the latest codes of version 520. It's exiting to see the mfc and .net included. But I have some compilations issues as following:
1). missing hpp files inside folder:"packages", like: "packages\tb2k\TB2Dock.hpp". I fixed this issue by copying those header files from another old version.
2). Missing function "DoAlwaysFalse()". Comilation breaks at line "2288" of file"\source\core\Queue.cpp": bool DoCheckCancel = ALWAYS_FALSE(UserAction == NULL) || !UserAction->Force();

I try to bypass this issue by replace original macro definition:
#define ALWAYS_FALSE(p) DoAlwaysFalse(p, TEXT(#p), TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__)
with the new one:
#define ALWAYS_FALSE(p) (!(p))

3). compilation of module"ScpForms" failed due to [BCC32 Error] Login.h(27): E2209 Unable to open include file 'PngImageList.hpp'
Full parser context
Login.cpp(15): #include forms\Login.h.

any one for any instructions are welcome and appropriated.
