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Re: Request: transfer option for destination file extension

Not sure I understand. You can specify target file extension on Transfer options dialog:

I have not received any screenshot.

Request: transfer option for destination file extension

-Version of WinSCP - 5.1.3
-Version of Microsoft Windows - 7
-Transfer protocol (SFTP, FTP or SCP). For SFTP include also the protocol version - sftp, ftp
-Mention if you use GUI or scripting/automation. GUI - Commander

-Request: Can you please add a transfer option that the destination file extension eg. .pdf / .txt / .exe can be specified. I my case to the HP NonStop it is called a filecode and binaries are code 800 or in a windows world it will be a .800.

-Connect to a HP NonStop running a SSH server.

I'm going to email a screenshot that exaplains myself.