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starf wrote:

So, maybe, it'll be enough to create ad hoc interfaces, one for each class exposed by the dll...

I'm trying to avid this. Otherwise I would have to version the interface, when adding new features in future releases.

Hi Martin,

I'm not very familiar with that stuff, but after poking arround, it looks like that in order to be visible to COM clients, explicit interfaces must be implemented.

I noticed that the only "things" that are exposed in the tlb (except class names and enums), are the 3 Session events (Failed, FileTransfered and OutputDataReceived), and they correspond to the only explicit interface in the .Net dll.

So, maybe, it'll be enough to create ad hoc interfaces, one for each class exposed by the dll...


Re: TLB properties and methods.

WinSCP .NET assembly uses IDispatch, that's why probably.

TLB properties and methods.

Hi everybody,

I'm using successfully WinSCP 5.1.4 in a VB prog, with COM access.

The point is that the tlb contains no description for properties nor methods (only classes exists), so I'm blind typing the method calls...

Is this normal ?