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Re: Scripting connection fails

Please attach a complete session log file both from the script and GUI. Alternatively compare them yourself to find the difference.

Re: Scripting connection fails

martin wrote:

In GUI you use host name, while in script you use

Thanks for the update. I tried this prior with the same results. To confirm, I changed the script again and re-ran. I get the same error, "Host does not exist"

Below is a copy of the new script I just ran.

# Automatically abort script on errors
option batch abort
# Disable overwrite confirmations that conflict with the previous
option confirm off
# Connect using a password
# open s -hostkey="ssh-rsa 1024 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"
# Connect
# Specal charaters are entered as hexdecimal an "@" is entered as %40
# open s

open s

# open sftp://SourcePMDynamics:ShvacDynamics%4013@[]:222
# open s
# Change remote directory
cd /Drop
synchronize remote I:\ProjectMates\Send /Drop
# Disconnect
# Exit WinSCP

Re: Scripting connection fails

In GUI you use host name, while in script you use

Scripting connection fails

I installed the product today and I'm trying to execute a script connection.

I am able to connect to SFTP using GUI but not by using script.

I created a script below and saved it to the file I:\ProjectMates\Send2PrjMates.txt

# Automatically abort script on errors
option batch abort
# Disable overwrite confirmations that conflict with the previous
option confirm off
# Connect using a password
# open s -hostkey="ssh-rsa 1024 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"
# Connect
# Specal charaters are entered as hexdecimal an "@" is entered as %40
open s

# Change remote directory
cd /Drop
synchronize remote I:\ProjectMates\Send /Drop
# Disconnect
# Exit WinSCP

I execute the scrip by opening a command prompt and pasting the command below:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" script=I:\ProjectMates\Send2PrjMates.txt

I get the error "Host does not exist"

My password for the SFTP site is ShvacDynamics@13

The port is:222

I am user WinSCP version 5.14 Build3020

on a Windows 7 Pro workstaion

The protocall is SFTP-4

I am able to syncronize using the GUI. What am I doing wrong with the command interface.

Is is also possible to refernce a UNC path for the script and the synchronize command?