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Topic review

Steve Kleene

Re: trouble installing WinSCP 5.1.4

Yes. For several years I've been able to do regular FTP with mTCP:
<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

To use mTCP, I had to install a packet driver for my 3Com NIC. Now my employer requires SFTP, and mTCP doesn't include SFTP. So I'm looking at WinSCP as a possible solution.

Re: trouble installing WinSCP 5.1.4

Steve Kleene wrote:

But it fails if I reboot and select mode 5 (Command prompt only). In that case calling gives the error "This program must be run under Win32". As I mentioned in my original post, I need this to function after I boot into mode 5. Is there any version that will succeed in that boot mode?

Sorry, I did not notice this requirement. Anyway, I do not have Windows 98 to test this. Also I never heard of anyone trying this. Is network available at all in this mode?
Steve Kleene

Re: trouble installing WinSCP 5.1.4

I suggest you download WinSCP 4.4

Thanks. I did that and succeeded in every mode except the one I need. If I boot full Win98, it's successful. If I then go to the command line with Start->Run->command, it's successful.

But it fails if I reboot and select mode 5 (Command prompt only). In that case calling gives the error "This program must be run under Win32". As I mentioned in my original post, I need this to function after I boot into mode 5. Is there any version that will succeed in that boot mode?


Re: trouble installing WinSCP 5.1.4

Support for Windows 98 was dropped in WinSCP 5.0.7 beta.

I suggest you download WinSCP 4.4:
Steve Kleene

Trouble installing WinSCP 5.1.4 in Windows 98

I have failed in my first attempt to install WinSCP on my Win98 machine. Ultimately I hope to use SFTP and/or SCP with the machine booted in mode 5 (Command prompt only). I tried the installation in Normal mode (full Win98).

I downloaded winscp514setup.exe with Internet Explorer 5 and verified the md5sum. If I run the EXE, I get two popups:

Error Starting Program
expects a newer version of Windows.
Upgrade your Windows version.

Access to the specified device, path, or file is denied.

I also tried unzipping and calling winscp.exe. This also gave two popups:

Error Starting Program
The C:\TMP\TMP\WINSCP.EXE file expects a newer version of Windows.
Upgrade your Windows version.

A device attached to this system is not functioning.

The OS is Windows 98 Second Edition 4.10.2222A.

I'd appreciate any suggestions on how to get this installed and running. Thanks.