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Error Code 4

sc@py wrote:

Had the same "error code 4" while moving files remotely to another HDD. Had to switch protocol from SFTP to SCP to solve my issue. :)

I was having issue connection from Windows PC to AIX server using Isilon storage. Switch from SFTP to SCP fix my issues. Thanks for the help.

Had the same "error code 4" while moving files remotely to another HDD. Had to switch protocol from SFTP to SCP to solve my issue. :)

Re: The documentation isn't useless juts poor

Anonymous wrote:

I get code 6 and this is what the documentation said not especially helpful. It provides a tiny bit more info but no useful info for it's poorly written

As mentioned on documentation page you refer to, WinSCP does not use SFTP code 6. So you are not getting it. Please share your complete error message, so that we can help you. Also please start a new thread as this is unrelated to this thread.

The documentation isn't useless juts poor

I get code 6 and this is what the documentation said not especially helpful. It provides a tiny bit more info but no useful info for it's poorly written

Anonymous wrote:

That documentation is totally useless. It provides no information about 1) Why I get the error message and 2) what do to about it.

The documentation actually list many reasons why you can get the message.

That documentation is totally useless. It provides no information about 1) Why I get the error message and 2) what do to about it.

Re: General failure, error code 4 moving files

gagu wrote:

i am facing similar issue....when i login into my linux server with winscp....i am not able to drag & drop files from my source to destination directoy....sorce & destination is on same server......but while i will login via SSH and use mv <souce> <destination> command ...its working perfectly.

is it winscp bug ? nothing in server...i tried on multiple servers...same error code 4

Please read documentation:

Re: General failure, error code 4 moving files

martin wrote:

Where are you dragging from and where to?

i am facing similar issue....when i login into my linux server with winscp....i am not able to drag & drop files from my source to destination directoy....sorce & destination is on same server......but while i will login via SSH and use mv <souce> <destination> command ...its working perfectly.

is it winscp bug ? nothing in server...i tried on multiple servers...same error code 4


Re: General failure, error code 4 moving files

Where are you dragging from and where to?

General failure, error code 4 moving files

I have a problem that is frustrating me to no end.

Whenever I try to drag and drop a file to a directory where a file with the same name exists, instead of prompting me to overwrite the file, it dies with the above error message (General failure, error code 4). I have to hold down the ctrl key and drag to copy the file, and then delete it later. This is very time consuming and error prone, because it's too easy to delete the wrong file after copying. It also adds an extra step, which slows me down a lot.

Why can't I get WinSCP to prompt me to overwrite existing files on drag-and-drop move?