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Topic review


I figured it out, via one of the forum posts...
--> sessionOptions.AddRawSettings("SshProt", "1");

It would be great to have this in the documentation!

Hi Pat

>>Try to switch to SSH1, or better get the SSH2 key.
How can i switch to SSH1? From commandline or via .NET Automation?

If I use the winscp.ini file with the below section I can establish a connection


But I need to connect via .NET. (My 2nd not preferred option would be to start winscp via a new process..)


Re: WINscp using a key

Note that SSH2 is the default SSH version in WinSCP and you are trying to use SSH1 key. Try to switch to SSH1, or better get the SSH2 key.
Pat Coburn

WINscp using a key


I am trying to establish a winscp session between my server and the university's server. they have input the public key on their end, but when I go to connect, it fails the key and trips over to the password. The exact message is:

. Reading private key file "E:\AISInterface\oraprivatekey.ppk"
. Unable to use this key file (SSH1 private key)
! Unable to use key file "E:\AISInterface\oraprivatekey.ppk" (SSH1 private key)
. Keyboard-interactive authentication refused

It is using scp as the transfer protocol.

Any assistance would be appreciated.
