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Re: How do you change drive on the remote side

Thanks! You're the man!

Re: How do you change drive on the remote side

2 hours ago I have answered your question in this topic.

Re: How do you change drive on the remote side

On the left I have a drop down of local drives, that works fine. On the right (the remote side) all I see in the drop down is the path from the root folder (it has a Linux format). I'm using WinSCP to connect from a Win XP box to a Windows 2000 server running the Cygwin OpenSSH software.

Re: How do you change drive on the remote side

What kind of drives? Why you cannot access them? You do not see them in local drives drop down menu?

How do you change drive on the remote side

Hi, I'm using v3.5.6 (Build 213). I'm utilising the Norton Commander style interface. Software is great but I've just discovered that I don't seem to be able to get to other drives that should be available. Am I being stupid or is there a reason for this. Please help. TIA.