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Re: Error on Open WinSCP

I cannot give you a solution, if I do not know, what the problem is. Sorry. Let me know, if you find how to reproduce the problem.

Re: Error on Open WinSCP

martin wrote:

Are you able to reproduce the problem?


Not able to reproduce that error again.

I suspect that the error is coming when winscp is running more sessions (more than 8) in parallel.
clearing log file when the winscp running.

please give the solution for the error.

Thank You.

Re: Error on Open WinSCP

Are you able to reproduce the problem?

Error on Open WinSCP


I am using the WinSCP 5.1.4.
It's working good but suddenly i got Abnormal Program Termination message two times in a month.
WinSCP came back to normal after restart the server.
Please tell the solution to avoid this error next time.

Thank you