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Re: scponly debug mode 2 / WinSCP problem

Thanks for your report.
Though I sorry to say, that I'm not going to workaround this issue.
the kobold

scponly debug mode 2 / WinSCP problem

Env: FreeBSD 8.3 host with scponly 4.8, newest and older version af WinSCP, Win XP and 7

If we set scponly debuglevel to 2, WinSCP can not work, both SFTP and SCP mode.
Without debuglevel or with debuglevel 1 everything is fine.

Logs (partial):
debuglevel 1
. 2013-06-01 10:34:24.734 Changing directory to "pub".
> 2013-06-01 10:34:24.734 cd "pub" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$status"
< 2013-06-01 10:34:24.851 WinSCP: this is end-of-file:0
. 2013-06-01 10:34:24.851 Getting current directory name.
> 2013-06-01 10:34:24.851 pwd ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$status"
< 2013-06-01 10:34:24.961 /pub
< 2013-06-01 10:34:24.961 WinSCP: this is end-of-file:0
. 2013-06-01 10:34:25.089 Listing current directory.

debuglevel 2
. 2013-06-01 10:00:13.372 Changing directory to "pub".
> 2013-06-01 10:00:13.372 cd "pub" ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$status"
! 2013-06-01 10:00:13.488 scponly[90830]: processing request: "cd "pub""
! 2013-06-01 10:00:13.488 scponly[90830]: chdir: cd "pub" (username: pubftpuser(2048), IP/port: 64058 22)
< 2013-06-01 10:00:13.488 WinSCP: this is end-of-file:0
* 2013-06-01 10:00:13.488 (ECommand) Error changing directory to 'pub'.
* 2013-06-01 10:00:13.488 Command 'cd "pub"'
* 2013-06-01 10:00:13.488 failed with return code 0 and error message
* 2013-06-01 10:00:13.489 scponly[90830]: processing request: "cd "pub""
* 2013-06-01 10:00:13.489 scponly[90830]: chdir: cd "pub" (username: pubftpuser(2048), IP/port: 64058 22).
. 2013-06-01 10:00:18.803 Getting current directory name.
> 2013-06-01 10:00:18.803 pwd ; echo "WinSCP: this is end-of-file:$status"
! 2013-06-01 10:00:18.917 scponly[90830]: processing request: "pwd"
! 2013-06-01 10:00:18.917 scponly[90830]: running: /bin/pwd (username: user(2048), IP/port: 64058 22)
< 2013-06-01 10:00:18.918 /pub
< 2013-06-01 10:00:18.918 WinSCP: this is end-of-file:0
* 2013-06-01 10:00:18.918 (ECommand) Error getting name of current remote directory.
* 2013-06-01 10:00:18.918 Command 'pwd'
* 2013-06-01 10:00:18.918 failed with return code 0 and error message
* 2013-06-01 10:00:18.918 scponly[90830]: processing request: "pwd"
* 2013-06-01 10:00:18.918 scponly[90830]: running: /bin/pwd (username: user(2048), IP/port: 64058 22).
. 2013-06-01 10:00:20.711 Getting current directory name.