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Tyring to create automatic download with Scheduled Task


Currently i'm trying to create a situation where we can run an Scheduled Task in Windows Server 2008 R2, which automatic downloads a set of files from the WINCSP.

I tried to do it with a command prompt, and from there i can open an connection to WINCSp via FTPS. This is the command i used:

winscp.exe ftps://username:password@ftpaddress:21 -passive -explicitssl -explicittls -certificate="xx:xx:xx"

Connection is established. But no i want it to download certain *.csv files from this FTPS connection. I tried to use the GET command, but this will not do anything:

winscp.exe ftps://username:password@ftpaddress:21 -passive -explicitssl -explicittls -certificate="xx:xx:xx" /command "get abcd.csv C:\Download\"

winscp.exe ftps://username:password@ftpaddress:21 -passive -explicitssl -explicittls -certificate="xx:xx:xx" get abcd.csv C:\Download\

Is there something i'm doing wrong? Perhaps anybody knows the right way to use it.

Many thanks in advance.