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The problem has been solved mainly through Martin's help.

Problem was a permission issue with the "program files" folder in Windows 8.
I noticed that the portable version of WinSCP (when ran from Desktop) didn't have the drag&drop problem outlined here.
So I copied my (regular) winscp.ini into a new folder named c:\winscp, plus I put the PORTABLE WinSCP 5.2.2 .exe into this folder as well.
After that, I deinstalled the regular WinSCP 5.2.2 and launched the portable file since then. Drag&Drop INTO WinSCP works like a charm.

Hope this helps anyone seeing the same issue,


Hello Martin,

just wanted to follow up on this topic as I sent you an e-mail on July 11th (subject: WinSCP drag&drop problem) and haven't heard back from you since then.

Kind regards,

Hi Martin,

yes, I will thanks for your help. Just sent you the e-mail.

And yes, I can drag files from the local to the remote pane and vice-versa.
I can also drag files OUT of either pane of the WinSCP window to an explorer window.

However, I cannot drag files into the WinSCP window at all (either pane).

Thanks again,


Can you drag&drop between WinSCP file panels?

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

Yes, it did work before, unfortunately I didn't notice under what conditions it ceased to work.
I downloaded WinSCP down to version 5.0 (from and tried it now. No luck with any version.
Even killed/wiped all settings and did plain installations, didn't work in any scenario.

Could it be a system setting (using Win8 64bit)? Not being able to drop files neither on the remote-pane nor on the local pane makes me wonder.

Kind regards

Re: No drag&drop INTO WinSCP possible

Do you mean that is does not work in the latest version of WinSCP, but it did work in previous versions? What versions?

No drag&drop INTO WinSCP possible


I'm almost certain that in previous versions of WinSCP it was possible to drag&drop files into an WinSCP window (from an Explorer window for instance) to have them uploaded. Since some weeks, this doesn't seem to work any longer and I can't figure out why.

All I get is a "disallowed" sign (see attachment) when hovering with the dragged file from an Explorer window over the WinSCP window. No matter if trying to drop it into the "remote" or "local" window, it's just not allowed.

I'm using the latest WinSCP stable version (Commander Interface) on Windows8 64bit and am connecting with SCP to my hosts. It used to work before, I'm sure. Any help on this would be really appreciated.
