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Topic review


Again, thank you in advance!

Yes, but I have only 4 :D
And I would like them to auto-connect. Would you please, add a force option to connection all sessions? And if you like you can make it OFF by default.

Re: [5.2.2 beta] What about saving passwords with the Workspace?

braykov wrote:

But, one thing I don't understand: I open a saved session or Directory of sessions and several tabs get opened. Yet, only the first one gets connected. The others only connect after I click on them. And they are dark-grey.
Why is that? I would like all my sessions to connect immediately after they get open.

That can take ages, if you have lot of sessions.

Re: [5.2.2 beta] What about saving passwords with the Workspace?

martin wrote:

You wrote above that you have passwords stored in the sites. Yet you get prompted for passwords. So if you open a site individually, you do not get prompted, while if you open a workspace that contains the same site, you get prompted?

Yes, it was exactly like that. However, I just restarted WinSCP and tried to login and it didn't ask me. Repeated - still did not ask me. Great.
Also, 10x for the other clarifications. I understand now.

But, one thing I don't understand: I open a saved session or Directory of sessions and several tabs get opened. Yet, only the first one gets connected. The others only connect after I click on them. And they are dark-grey.
Why is that? I would like all my sessions to connect immediately after they get open.

Re: [5.2.2 beta] What about saving passwords with the Workspace?

braykov wrote:

But the window has this option for saving the passwords disabled.
Why is that even there? Every session that I have opened has the password already saved.

That's exactly the reason the checkbox is disabled. You have all passwords saved in sites already, so there's nothing to be saves to a workspace.

And when I open WinSCP and just try to login to the workspace it starts asking me for each individual password.

Not sure I understand now. You wrote above that you have passwords stored in the sites. Yet you get prompted for passwords. So if you open a site individually, you do not get prompted, while if you open a workspace that contains the same site, you get prompted?

Also, what about being able to create a workspace from a folder of sessions within the site manager or just drag saved sessions to a workspace, then I could start WinSCP and click once and have several session connect?
Idea: Open the site manager -> right-click on a folder of sites -> "Create workspace from folder..."

Just select the folder, click Login to open all sites in the folder. Then in the main window go to Session > Save Workspace.

[5.2.2 beta] What about saving passwords with the Workspace?

Hi, I tried this great new feature of saving workspaces.
But the window has this option for saving the passwords disabled.
Why is that even there? Every session that I have opened has the password already saved.
And when I open WinSCP and just try to login to the workspace it starts asking me for each individual password.

Also, what about being able to create a workspace from a folder of sessions within the site manager or just drag saved sessions to a workspace, then I could start WinSCP and click once and have several session connect?
Idea: Open the site manager -> right-click on a folder of sites -> "Create workspace from folder..."