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Topic review


Solved problem with IDisposable

Can you implement IDisposable? I had this exact problem but calling .Dispose() after each use worked. I now have 0 'ghost' WinSCP processes :).

Re: Resolution?

zaus wrote:

Did you figure out the problem/solution? I think I'm getting the same issue. It seems like every so often my app gets a "normal" FTP error, and maybe I'm not properly disposing/closing the session when that happens so the executables keep piling up?

Please attach a full debug log file showing the problem (using the latest version of WinSCP).

To generate the session log file, set Session.DebugLogPath. Submit the log with your post as an attachment. If you do not want to post the log publicly, you can mark the attachment as private.


Did you figure out the problem/solution? I think I'm getting the same issue. It seems like every so often my app gets a "normal" FTP error, and maybe I'm not properly disposing/closing the session when that happens so the executables keep piling up?

For now I went with the "nuclear option" by adding to my nightly cleanup script something to close all the zombie exes:
taskkill /F /IM WinSCP.exe

I've sent you a mail!

pmsw wrote:

Got the same problem. My windows version is windows server 2008r2. Have tried different versions of wincsp. For every time wincsp is executed a process is started in the tastkmanager but not stopped or killed. Finally the service doesn't work anymore at all. immediately after the processes are killed manually the windows service work as normal.

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

Got the same problem. My windows version is windows server 2008r2. Have tried different versions of wincsp. For every time wincsp is executed a process is started in the tastkmanager but not stopped or killed. Finally the service doesn't work anymore at all. immediately after the processes are killed manually the windows service work as normal.

Re: WinSCP.exe*32 Processes in task manager

What does it mean "Windows Service stops automatically"? Is it stopped grafully or does it crash? Is Session.Dispose called? What is your version of Windows?

WinSCP.exe*32 Processes in task manager


I am using WinSCP.dll (File Version:, Product Version: in C# for downloading files from SFTP server. My application is a windows service which keep on downloading files from FTP server. The application works for 2-3 hours, then the Windows Service stops automatically.

To make the issue worst, the WinSCP.exe*32 Process remains as it is in Task Manager though the my Windows Service stopped. So everytime I manually start my service, the previous WinSCP.exe*32 process remains as it is.

If I do this 12-13 times in a day, I found my task manager is piled up with 12/13 WinSCP.exe*32 processes and if the count goes upto 30-40, WinSCP stops connecting to the FTP Server completely.

Please suggest some solution.