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Re: Synchronization of two folders to another location

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Synchronization of two folders to another location


I have one issue and cannot find any solution for it. Maybe you could help me and tell if it is possibile with WinSCP to synchronize two folders (FTP>>Server) but all needed files to synchronize put to another directory.

Situation looks like this:
I have FTP where will be placed new, or replaced old files. A couple of servers will connect to FTP for checking that changed or new files to download it without deletion.
On server side some program checks folder for an e.g. Folder_A, gets it for proccessing and after proccessing places it in Folder_B.

So what i need is that synchronization would be between FTP and Folder_B, but if any differences was found, files should be downloaded to Folder_A.

Thank you in advance.