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Re: .NET library - Accept any Ssh HostKey not working

Make sure you have the latest version of WinSCP. The SessionOptions.GiveUpSecurityAndAcceptAnySshHostKey is available since WinSCP 5.2.

.NET library - Accept any Ssh HostKey not working


I want to use the .NET library just for getting the existing files in a remote folder and download them to a local folder. But I'm working on different servers and I don't know the exact SshHostKeyFingerprint. But I'm sure the connection is safe, because I have a direct link between PC and Server.

In the documentation of the SessionOption class is a property called GiveUpSecurityAndAcceptAnySshHostKey ( but I can't use it, this property is not available in my IDE (VB2010) => It's not a member of WinSCP.SessionOption

I'm working with the SCP-protocol.

The version of my library is