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Re: Failed to connect to XX.XX.XX.244: Network error: Connection

aip wrote:

I have the same issue. The errorlevel came back with 0. Do you have a solution for this?

If you have the same issue, solution is above.

Re: Failed to connect to XX.XX.XX.244: Network error: Connection

fima62 wrote:


I'm using a batch file to store files via SFTP to a remote Host. All is working fine and now I will do some test to verifying errore code in case of network connection problem. To do it I just modifed (on my stored session TEST) the IP address of the remote server (xx.xx.xx.244 instead of the right one xx.xx.xx.241).

This is my batch file
winscp.exe TEST /console /script=TEST.txt /log=TEST.log
if errorlevel 0 goto ARCH
if errorlevel 1 goto ERRO

echo "errorlevel 0" >> "c:\Program Files\WinSCP\IFO_ERR.log"
goto FINE

echo "erro" >> "c:\Program Files\WinSCP\IFO_ERR.log"

echo "exit" >> "c:\Program Files\WinSCP\IFO_ERR.log"

And this is my script file
# Automatically answer all prompts negatively not to stall
# the script on errors
option batch on
# Disable overwrite confirmations that conflict with the previous
option confirm off
# Connect using a password
LCD C:\Bidone
PUT 12345file.csv
# Disconnect
# close
# Exit WinSCP

My question is: Why if in the Test.log file a have the following entry
. 2013-08-12 15:05:20.811 Failed to connect to XX.XX.XX.244: Network error: Connection timed out
the errorlevel that I receive is always 0 ?

Thanks to all

I have the same issue. The errorlevel came back with 0. Do you have a solution for this?

Re: Failed to connect to XX.XX.XX.244: Network error: Connection

if errorlevel 0 means "if errorlevel >= 0", what is always true, even if error level is 1.
You need to query errorlevel 1 before errorlevel 0. Or use if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 syntax (but that requires command extensions to be enabled).

Failed to connect to XX.XX.XX.244: Network error: Connection


I'm using a batch file to store files via SFTP to a remote Host. All is working fine and now I will do some test to verifying errore code in case of network connection problem. To do it I just modifed (on my stored session TEST) the IP address of the remote server (xx.xx.xx.244 instead of the right one xx.xx.xx.241).

This is my batch file
winscp.exe TEST /console /script=TEST.txt /log=TEST.log
if errorlevel 0 goto ARCH
if errorlevel 1 goto ERRO

echo "errorlevel 0" >> "c:\Program Files\WinSCP\IFO_ERR.log"
goto FINE

echo "erro" >> "c:\Program Files\WinSCP\IFO_ERR.log"

echo "exit" >> "c:\Program Files\WinSCP\IFO_ERR.log"

And this is my script file
# Automatically answer all prompts negatively not to stall
# the script on errors
option batch on
# Disable overwrite confirmations that conflict with the previous
option confirm off
# Connect using a password
LCD C:\Bidone
PUT 12345file.csv
# Disconnect
# close
# Exit WinSCP

My question is: Why if in the Test.log file a have the following entry
. 2013-08-12 15:05:20.811 Failed to connect to XX.XX.XX.244: Network error: Connection timed out
the errorlevel that I receive is always 0 ?

Thanks to all