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Re: takes a long time to display dirs with many files

OK, I'll try to generate such directory to see if I'm able to reproduce the problem.

Re: takes a long time to display dirs with many files

The delay is very much local. Here are some stats I collected.
.There are about 102,000 files in the directory.

Time it took to do a unix "ls -l" . All of the machines in question are on the same network. I tried each test twice, results are avg.
- when logged in to the unix (remote) server from wintel box using Windows telnet client: 12 MINUTES (no comment !)
- when logged into the unix (remote) box using SSH from another unix box : 25 seconds
- when logged in using PuTTy, SSH protocal from wintel box: 52 seconds
- when logged in using PuTTy, telnet protocal from wintel box: 68 seconds
- when using WinSCP3 to display remote files: killed it after 20 minutes, it had stopped responding.

I will add my vote to the user poll.

martin wrote:

Can you suggest if it takes long time to load the directory from the server or if the delay is caused by some processing on local side (like sorting file list, drawing it, etc...)?

If the first is true, I can hardly do anything with it as SFTP protocol does not have filter feature itself.

General filter feature for file panel (after the complete list is loaded from the server) is an option of current user poll, you may add a vote.

Re: takes a long time to display dirs with many files

Can you suggest if it takes long time to load the directory from the server or if the delay is caused by some processing on local side (like sorting file list, drawing it, etc...)?

If the first is true, I can hardly do anything with it as SFTP protocol does not have filter feature itself.

General filter feature for file panel (after the complete list is loaded from the server) is an option of current user poll, you may add a vote.

takes a long time to display dirs with many files

BTW, this is a great progarm. I am a Unix SA and we are converting all our users from ftp to SSH/sftp/WinSCP
Here's the problem:
Using WinSCP 3.6.1 with Norton Commander interface although I think this occurs with either interface. Users are complaining that when they access a remote directory with many files it takes a very long time to display the files. This is what they told me: (they mean WInSCP by "the new ftp program" )

"The new FTP program is not really workable, because the default directory is set to the LOG directory ($APPLCSF/log) and since there are thousands of log files in this directory it takes 5 to 10 minutes for the screen to reappear after it has sorted all the files."

I think what they would like to do is to "filter" the directory on the "way in" so that if they only want to see filles that are named "*.myfile" it will only display those. I know you can select files by MARKing but there does not seem to be a
way of saving the selection criteria so that it will be invoked next time the session is opened.
Is there a way to do that ?

Thank you.