While using a "Fresh" Copy of WinSCP 5.2.3 beta (SFTP, FTP and SCP client)
On a "New" Install of Win7 Ultimate x64.
Getting Invalid Access to Memory, just after the handshake for SCP before the remote directory displays. Once the error is encountered, program continues to load and runs, but is slow, and has frozen a few times..
Pastebin of the Debug2 Log: <invalid hyperlink removed by admin> (Expires in 1 Month)
Pastebin of the WinSCP Registry Keys <invalid hyperlink removed by admin> (Expires in 1 Month)
Pastebin of the System SysInfo (some info redacted) <invalid hyperlink removed by admin> (Expires in 1 Month)
Pastebin of the Windows Action Center Report - (Reported) <invalid hyperlink removed by admin> (Expires in 1 Month)
Please see attached, cropped screenshot of error message.
Please kindly let me know if you need further info..