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Topic review


The get command is a specific command of WinSCP. If you are using a different tool, that also has a get command, you should seek a help with their support. There is no global specification of "get" commands, as far as I know.

"GET in general" - What I am asking is whether the use of wildcards is a standard feature of the GET command or whether it is specific to WinSCP. Thanks, Salvador

What is "GET in general"?

I noticed that in the example the GET statement uses a wildcard. Is this allowed with GET in general or is this a WinSCP specific feature? Thanks, Salvador

How to delete files after copying

I have the following code to copy files from the remotes server onto my local server. Can someone please help me or advice me as how to delete the files on the remote server once i copy them?
option batch on 

option confirm off
open sftp://<username>:<password>@server -hostkey="ssh-dss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
cd .
option transfer binary
get -preservetime *.txt F:\FTPShare\ftp\

Please need help.