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Aux wrote:

I know that such behaviour is somehow related to timestamps, yet I think using timestamps in keep up to date is wrong: WinSCP already detects file changes, so why to compare timestamps/sizes? Just push changes to remote host! At least such option could be added.

This is explained here:

I know that such behaviour is somehow related to timestamps, yet I think using timestamps in keep up to date is wrong: WinSCP already detects file changes, so why to compare timestamps/sizes? Just push changes to remote host! At least such option could be added.

P.S. I'm using GUI mode, Win7 x64 Pro, SFTP, there are no errors reported.

Keep remote directory up to date does not work

I'm using WinSCP 5.1.7 (latest version available) and update function does not work. In dialog log I see that WinSCP detects file changes on my PC, but it does not upload changed files anywhere. Tried different settings to no effect.