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Topic review


So what did you try?

Should be something like:
open ... -rawsettings ConsiderDST=2

Hi there,

thank you so much. I played around a bit but didn't get it to work properly.

In my specific case i have a script (.bat) and want the script to use another setting for "DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME" than the standard setting of WINSCP, i want to try it with "Preserve remote timestamp" or option 2 to see if that solves the problem i have with times that aren't right.

I didn't fully understood how i can integrate this setting now into the script file, do you know if there's an example with one of those ENVIRONMENT Settings?

Thank you very much,

Problem with Timestamp - Using Scripts

Hi there,

i use WinSCP in some Batchfiles (.bat) to connect to an SFTP Server , now since we have "Summer Time" (Daylight Saving Time) the time of the files is one hour off the real time.

I found out that maybe i should switch the settings in the options of Winscp. (Daylight Saving Time)


I can change this setting, and save it then as a file, but how can i change the default setting in the program, so that my scriptfiles that use WinSCP also take the new setting and not the default one.

Thank you very much,