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Re: troubles with stored sessions

First, find out where is WinSCP really loading its configuration from. You can see that for example in heading of a session log.

troubles with stored sessions


I'm using WinSCP 5.1.7 in a Windows 2008 R2 Terminal Server environment (Citrix XenApp 6.5).
I have WinSCP installed as admin, so it should use the registry for its settings by default.
After the installation I opened WinSCP and I configured one session and saved it.
Then I logged off as admin and logged on as an user.
For some reason every user that logs on and starts WinSCP has the session that I saved as admin in his "Stored Sessions" list.
Also I was really wondered as I found a preconfigured WinSCP key with that preconfigured session I mentioned above right after the first logon ever of a test user on the Terminal Server. That user had not started WinSCP for a first time at all.
I couldn't find any session specific registry keys within HKU\.Default and HKLM. And there is no WinSCP.ini in the WinSCP program directory.
Is there somewhere in the registry or somewhere else a central session store that contains those informations?
How can I access that store?
I don't want that session to show up in everyones own session store [HKCU\Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Sessions].
How can I fix that?