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Topic review


Re: External Editor

If you "edit" the same file again, WinSCP overwrites the local temporary copy of the file. Most "smart" editors would detect that and offer you to reload the file.

External Editor

The External Editor has one big drawback: It can not reload files from the server.

Re: Better Find in Text Editor

Please use external editor, if you want a better one.

Better Find in Text Editor

The Find function in the Text Editor is very limited! I suggest the following improvements to be implemented ASAP. I've been mislead a lot of times, a LOT OF TIMES when searching for stuff in long files opened from an FTP server because of the limitations. It's very critical that these limitations be rectified for effectively searching text files for strings.

  • A "Wrap around" option in the Find/Replace dialog boxes. When checked, it should start from the beginning when it hits the end of text for the Down direction, and vice versa for the Up direction.
  • When "Wrap around" is unchecked, the Find/Replace dialog should NOT JUST say that the text couldn't be found. It should also ask the user whether the user would like to continue the search from the beginning (if Down) or the end (if Up).
  • Shift-F3 keyboard shortcut should search in the opposite direction of F3 shortcut (whichever direction it is currently set to).