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Topic review


I'm not sure what piece you are missing. The key point is that the file has to be owned by another user!

OK, so while I understand what you mean by your answer, I'm not sure how to implement it on a Linux server. I've tried looking it up, but my Google-fu may not be good enough to ask the correct question in this case.

How can I set permissions on a directory that would cause the above behavior?


Thanks, Martin. I read that link you sent me quite a few times before posting, but the answer filnally cliked once I saw you phrase it a different way. But it's clearly in the documentation already.

Thanks again

Re: What can cause the famous "error encountered while setting."

See here:

On Unix servers you can reproduce this by having a file that you have a write permissions to, but that is not owned by you.

What can cause the famous "error encountered while setting."

Hi there,

I've read through the forums regarding the famous "error while setting permission and or timestamp" message and I know that setting the options to ignore these messages is the answer. But what on an FTP server causes this to occur? I need to be able to setup a test FTP server that makes WinSCP generate this message, but I don't know how to configure the permissions/settings to do so. Any advice on how to do this?