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Topic review


SSIS and Winscp

Hi there,

I have a bit of an unusual issue when attempting to integrate winscp with SQL Server Integration Services

My preferred approach is to run the following :

WinSCP.exe /command "option batch abort" "option confirm off" "open s " "lcd \\######" "get PRD*"

"exit" -log="D:\WinSCP\Log\WinSCPCommandline.txt" -hostkey="###########"

However, this is failing with "The server's host key was not found in the cache"

What is strange though, is that when I run everything via a script, the process runs fine:

WinSCP.exe /script=D:\Data\Shell\WinSCP.txt /log=C:\Temp\WinSCPConf.txt

Contents of WinSCP.txt:

option batch abort
option confirm off
open s -hostkey="###########"
lcd D:\#########
get PRD*

I have included the logs from both approaches.

Please can you assist.