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Topic review


DeepBlueDiver wrote:

Can you tell me from what version of WinSCP these are supported, we are on 4.0.7 connecting to a sun server with only these cyphers enabled and we cannot connect getting the error "couldn't agree a client-to-server cipher (available: aes128-ctr, aes192-ctr, aes256-ctr)"

Your help would be much appreciated.

4.0.7 is the last version that does not support these ciphers. They got introduced in 4.1. Anyway, always use the latest version.

Can you tell me from what version of WinSCP these are supported, we are on 4.0.7 connecting to a sun server with only these cyphers enabled and we cannot connect getting the error "couldn't agree a client-to-server cipher (available: aes128-ctr, aes192-ctr, aes256-ctr)"

Your help would be much appreciated.

Cipher suite and cipher is not the same thing. Moreover the list is about TLS/SSL, not SSH (for which *-ctr is used)

So, I guess this list is outdated then (
(As it doesn't show any of the CTR ciphers.)

Re: aes cipher support

WinSCP supports all of them.

aes cipher support

Does WinSCP support aes128-ctr, and/or aes192-ctr, and/or aes256-ctr?

Beginning Nov 30, 2013, my company has a requirement to support these ciphers in our SFTP uploads to a government site.

