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Topic review


email reqest sent. I see you have a fix.

Re: Unable to launch WinSCP: "Master password handler not set"

-bob wrote:

Let me know if there is a work-around or fix.

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a development version of WinSCP for testing? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

Re: Unable to launch WinSCP: "Master password handler not set"

Thanks for your post.

This bug has been added to the tracker:

Re: Unable to launch WinSCP: "Master password handler not set"

I am also seeing this after upgrading. Possible related items -

1) I downloaded and started the upgrade while WinSCP was running and received the "close WinSCP and continue" message (which I did).

2) I do not think that the master password was typically requested on startup of WinSCP (rather not until I tried connecting to something that required it).

3) Now, I simply cannot start WinSCP - I just get the message and it exits after clicking OK.

Let me know if there is a work-around or fix.


Re: Unable to launch WinSCP: "Master password handler not set"

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to address you have used to register on this forum.

Unable to launch WinSCP: "Master password handler not set"


I was using the V5.24 on a Win7/64b plateform. It works well. So does the V5.25, with one disturbing exception.

If I make an empty winscp.ini file with V5.24, with one sftp entry, and protect it with a password, the V5.25 will use it without problems.
But with my current INI file, which has 40-50 entries and folders:
- no password: no protection, but no problems: the V5.25 loads it correctly
- with a master password, whichever it is: the V5.25 fails with the message: "Master password handler not set"

How can I help you without giving my INI file?
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards.