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Re: Follow up for private key issue

Sorry, I've misunderstood your question. Enter path to your private key to "Private key file" box on login dialog. You may need to convert the key to Putty format using puttygen tool before.

Follow up for private key issue


I only used the private key for encrtiption.
Do WINSCP use the following concept for encription ?

1. WinSCP generate session key for encryption.
2. The session key is encrypted by the private key of my own.
3. The other party (SSH server) receive the encrypted message and session key, and can decrpt the session key using my public key. (I have already sent my public key to the other party before).

How can I do the above in WINSCP?


Re: How to upload a private key and send file using WINCP

dericchow wrote:

I already have private key. How can I upload if in WinSCP and send file to a SSH server ?

Every SSH server has different way. What is your server? In general you do not send your private key to the server (that's why it is private). You send only the public key. With OpenSSH you insert the public key to file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

How to upload a private key and send file using WINCP

I already have private key. How can I upload if in WinSCP and send file to a SSH server ?
