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Re: #0 disappears once microsoft excel file is saved as csv file

This is WinSCP support forum, not Excel support forum. Please ask elsewhere.

Anyway, I suppose you should change the respective cells format to "text", to avoid loosing the leading 0s.

#0 disappears once microsoft excel file is saved as csv file

Please help!!

I am a new employee & may not include all information needed due to lack of knowledge and pc abilities.

I use microsoft excel to create very important files to report Real Estate agents & Brokers to the state of Virginia known as DPOR.

The files contain names, dates, identification number of our real estate school, and real estate/broker agents license numbers.

I create these files daily with Microsoft excel. Once the file is created and saved as a microsoft excel document, I then save it as a csv file to upload to winscp. When I say the document as a csv document the number 0 disappears. This is a problem for agents/brokers that have a license number beginning with 0. They are not being properly reported, hence not receiving needed credits to keep their license active. I've tried adding an extra 0 at the beginning, but that does not help the problem. I've posted what a microsoft excel document looks like. Underneath, I've also posted a document saved as a csv file for examples.

I can not attached the csv file. The microsoft excel document attached, once saved as a csv file, loses all zeros that are only in the beginning of each number sequence. Zeros in the middle or end of number sequences are not "lost". Only in the beginning.

Thank you