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Is there a command line way to access this? It would be nice to be able to create a cleanup.bat fle on my usb drive.

/UninstallCleanup shows the same window as Tools button.

martin wrote:

See Tools button on Stored sessions tab of login dialog.

Cool. Is there a command line way to access this? It would be nice to be able to create a cleanup.bat fle on my usb drive.

See Tools button on Stored sessions tab of login dialog.

Thanks. You may want to consider adding a feature to remove this (similar to "putty -cleanup").

Re: Running rom USB

WinSCP will store the configuration, cache and public keys of the servers to windows registry.

Configuration and public keys should not contain any sesitive information.

However the cache contains paths on your server, which may or may not be sensitive information.

You may store configuration and the cache to INI file on your USB stick. See Storage tab of Preferences dialog.

Running rom USB

I would like to put WinSCP on a USB stick (along with other tools such as putty) to be able to use it from insecure PCs. If I do not save any sessions (and only transfer files to/from the USB stick), will anything be written to the hard drive of the PC that could compromise my security?