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Topic review


No you cannot use agent forwarding without the agent.

What happens if you specify the key both for tunnel/proxy authentication and the actual session? Can you post a log file?

I want to call a sftp server via winscp from a windows service process.
Between me and the sftp server, there is a ssh proxy.
I have to use agent forwarding in order to authenticate.
I can enable agent forwarding in winscp, but it seems it requires pageant.
I cannot use pageant from a windows service(It's just not possible because of security reasons).

Is it possible to use winscp with agent forwarding and without pageant?

Re: Use WinSCP with agent forwarding, but without pageant

Are you tunneling a session, or what?

Re: Use WinSCP with agent forwarding, but without pageant

martin wrote:

Agent forwarding without the agent? That does not make any sense. What do you want to do actually?

I need to run this as windows service, and there seems to be no way to access pageant via windows service.

Re: Use WinSCP with agent forwarding, but without pageant

ManuelK wrote:

Is it possible to use agent forwarding without using pageant? If yes, how?

Agent forwarding without the agent? That does not make any sense. What do you want to do actually?

Use WinSCP with agent forwarding, but without pageant


I have a fairly strange question.
I am in an environment where they use a certificate for authentication, and they required agent forwarding.
If i register the certificate in pageant, an set the config value "Attempt authentication using pageant" and "Allow agent forwarding" to true i can connect and everything works.

For some reason, i cannot use pageant. I want to set just the key and to authenticate via the certificate, but i still have to allow the agent forwarding.
But in this scenario, the server will return "Missing authentication agent request".

Is it possible to use agent forwarding without using pageant? If yes, how?

Thanks in advance.