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automatic syncronisation


I know the subject sounds like it has been discussed before, but I can't find a solution to my problem anywhere.
In WinSCP, when I double click a file(lets say html) it copies it into a temporary folder and opens it with an editor. I can work with this file now for one session and whenever I save, the remote file automaticaly syncs and I just have to reload the website to update it. Wonderful.

Sometimes tho, files get lost, or got overwritten by empty files, or other mysterious mistakes happen, that sometimes destroy the work of a day. So I want my projects to be uploaded to git... so when I create a repository somewhere on my harddrive, I can sync folders with WinSCP, that's nice, but it takes much more time. I need to go to WinSCP, press ctrl+s and get through two menus.

I want both, the files synced when they are saved, but also in propper folders and tmp folders. so my question, is there a way, to automaticaly sync a file with the remote one, whenever I save it?

thanks in advance