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Topic review


Re: Contents of XML-Log - e.g. Skip-Entries

WinSCP logs only actual operations with remote files in the XML log. So "skipped" files are not logged. They are though logged in regular session log file.

For the request: I'll see if more users ask for this.

Contents of XML-Log - e.g. Skip-Entries

Currently I'm looking for the possibility to log skipped and errors within XML.

I'm using to synchronize using sftp.

option batch continue

option confirm off
option reconnecttime 60
open sftp://myuser@xxxx
option transfer binary
synchronize remote -delete -mirror -speed=50 "SOURCE" "TARGET"

calling the script using a Batch /console /script=winscp.script /xmllog=winscptest.log /ini=WinSCP.ini

Unfortunately skips are not reported (didn't look for errors). Is there a way to do this?

If not, I'd put it as a feature request, because we use winscp for backup and want to have the possibility to review every action that ist done with synchronizing including skip.
