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Re: Closed connection relogin attempt cancelled caused an error.

Thanks for your report. Are you able to reproduce the problem?

Closed connection relogin attempt cancelled caused an error.

I had a SSH connected machine shutdown, so of course when I went back to the tab that this server was connected on, WinSCP attempted to reconnect but didn't see the IP available and gave the 15 second to reconnect countdown (all correct actions thus far :D ). However when cancel was clicked so that the futile attempt could be stopped, the error message below occurred. :cry:

Session log not attached... just trying to give a quick heads up and not really sure if logging was on as I just installed this version, but I AM using the old winscp.ini file to maintain my saved sessions.

WinSCP 5.2.7 - Portable

Error message:
External exception C0000006