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Re: Errorsteps

It was FTP protocol that made the difference.
Added to tracker:

I have sent you an email with a dev version of WinSCP to address you have used to register on this forum.


Hi Martin,

Here is a list of steps what I do:

1) open up an FTP connection
2) Open up one specific file (could be any) on the live serverm with Internal Editor or Notepad ++
3) Check the Encoding of the file (UTF8 BOM)
4) Write some text in it
5) Save the file (and close it)
6) Open it up once again
7) Check the encoding (UTF8 without BOM)

It would be totally the same, if I do the process of changing a file locally and transfer the file with WINSCP! The error has to be on the transfer!!

You could contact me through my skype account "Abziehbildheld" whenever it fits you (today in the afternoon would fit perfectly). I will be able to invite you to a teamviewer ( session and show you the process of causing this error - if this is still an issue for you.

Appreciating your help.

Best regards

Re: Bug 842 - UFT with BOM transfer - still not working

Sorry, this does not really help. I need more details about the steps that you do. Or record a video as you have suggested.

Re: Bug 842 - UFT with BOM transfer - still not working

martin wrote:

Abziehbildhled wrote:

Do you need some screenshots to reproduce the error or a teamviewer session? I'm able to provide both!

Yes please.

There you go!

Re: Bug 842 - UFT with BOM transfer - still not working

Abziehbildhled wrote:

Do you need some screenshots to reproduce the error or a teamviewer session? I'm able to provide both!

Yes please.

Bug 842 - UFT with BOM transfer - still not working

Hi Martin,

I just upgraded to 5.2.7 and I am able to reproduce the error.

In the preferences the "remove BOM" is not selected in any transfer mode (text,binary ..)

Do you need some screenshots to reproduce the error or a teamviewer session? I'm able to provide both!

Any help appreciated ;)

Best regards from Zurich, Switzerland


Internal Editor|Notepad ++ UTF-8 BOM Saving Error with FTP

Hi guys,

I'm able to reproduce the following errorcase on an FTP Connection with WinSCP 5.1.8 (Build3799) - should be latest - just downloaded ;)

This is what I do:

- Copy an UTF-8 BOM saved file on my local machine to a FTP directory
- Open it up with Internal Editor or Notepad ++
- Take a look at the encoding: Notepad++ tells me: UTF-8 WITHOUT BOM

It's totally the same if I transfer an UFT-8 BOM file to the FTP Server and open it up on the server with both of the editors - add a space somewhere - and save it again. The next time I open it up and take a look at the encoding - it's UTF-8 WOTHOUT BOM ...

Screenshots could be provided, as well as TeamViewer Session for a showcase!

Any help appreciated!

Best regards
