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Re: Incorrect attributes on local folders

What version of Windows are you using?
Isn't it that WinSCP sees the folders in both places (c:\users\username and c:\users\username\documents)?

Re: Incorrect attributes on local folders

jasgot wrote:

Version 5.2.7 (Build 3780)
Commander interface
Using SCP, but it is a local issue.

The My Music, My Pictures, and My Videos folders all show shr for the attributes. They only show like this inside WinSCP. The shr attributes are not set if I run attrib from the command line.

All three folders are in the C:\users\username\Documents folder

When I try to open these three folders within WinSCP, I get an error: Directory 'C:\Users\username\Documents\My Pictures' doesn't exist.

I can traverse these folder without any trouble in Windows itself.

I just noticed, when in Windows File Manager, the three folders are in c:\users\username and when in WinSCP, WinSCP thinks they are in c:\users\username\documents

That's strange.

Incorrect attributes on local folders

Version 5.2.7 (Build 3780)
Commander interface
Using SCP, but it is a local issue.

The My Music, My Pictures, and My Videos folders all show shr for the attributes. They only show like this inside WinSCP. The shr attributes are not set if I run attrib from the command line.

All three folders are in the C:\users\username\Documents folder

When I try to open these three folders within WinSCP, I get an error: Directory 'C:\Users\username\Documents\My Pictures' doesn't exist.

I can traverse these folder without any trouble in Windows itself.