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Thanks. I've give it a try.


Re: sendmail setup

Just ignore that instruction and place the file anywhere you want (e.g. along with winscp.exe).

The instruction is there only for ("about" section):
it is intended to ease running unix code that has /usr/lib/sendmail hardcoded as an email delivery means.

And you do not need that as you will be executing sendmail.exe directly.

I have documented this:
Kent F

sendmail setup

First off, I'm not a coder... so please bear with me. I'm working on a radio application where a new program replaces an old program on the serve. I've successfully been able to automate this process using WinSCP with Windows Task Scheduler. Now, I am trying get set up to receive email confirmations that my automation successfully completes so I don't have to go to the server and verify every time.

I would like to get sendmail to do this... but I'm stuck on installation. I am using a Windows 7 system. The Sendmail instructions say to "copy sendmail.exe and sendmail.ini to \usr\lib on the drive where the unix application is installed." That does not make sense to me. I find no such directory on my system. Is there such a directory for Windows based systems? I'm confused.

What I really need to know is where I should place
1. the sendmail folder
2. sendmail.exe and sendmail.ini

I sure would be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction.

Thank you
