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Me too

I too had the same problem. Seems to be a common thread. I had WinSCP synchronization working great in PowerShell on the server, however due to PowerShell's lame quirks in other areas (like running with proper exit codes in SQL Server Agent) I decided to migrate it to SSIS script task. Did so and had to go through the GAC set up. Now PowerShell (which worked fine previously) gives me the error that's described here. So something about the GAC install screwed it up.

Re: The winscp.exe executable was not found at location of the a

WinSCP .NET assembly cannot run without winscp.exe. So you definitely have a copy somewhere on Windows 7 machine. You can set Session.SessionLogPath to enable logging and find a location of winscp.exe the assembly is using in the log.

Make sure you follow installation instructions at:

Re: The winscp.exe executable was not found at location of the a

But @martin I cannot find [m]winscp.exe[/m] anywhere neither in Win7 machine nor in Windows server 2008. All I can find is [m]winscp.dll[/m]. But still it runs without any error in Win7 and not running in Windows Server 2008 (showing the mentioned error). Please let me know what could be the problem and how to rectify it.

Thanks, Sonita

Re: The winscp.exe executable was not found at location of the a wrote:

WinSCP.dll exists in the bin folder. But still I am getting the above message. Please help.

The error is about winscp.exe, not winscp.dll.

The winscp.exe executable was not found at location of the assembly

I am developing application in ASP.NET. My development server is Win7, production server is Windows Server 2008. I am using WinSCP in ASP.NET to transfer files from Linux to Window server. In Win7, it is working fine even if I deploy it in IIS. However, when I deploy the application in Windows Server 2008, it is giving me the error message
The winscp.exe executable was not found at location of the assembly (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Project_name\bin), nor in an installation path. You may use Session.ExecutablePath property to explicitly set path to winscp.exe.

WinSCP.dll exists in the bin folder. But still I am getting the above message. Please help.

Thanks and Regards,