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Re: Timeout Issue

sekreber wrote:

I found out if I moved the mouse, the counter reset. If I moved the time Information message, or clicked in the text of the message, the abort counter disappears completely. Is this normal behavior?

Yes, that's by purpose. Maybe there should be an explicit "cancel countdown" command too.

Timeout Issue

I found out if I moved the mouse, the counter reset. If I moved the time Information message, or clicked in the text of the message, the abort counter disappears completely. Is this normal behavior? For right now, I will work with my workaround until I hear from you.


Timeout Issues


I am using WinSCP 5.5. I am trying to connect to a QNAP Server that is out of space. Because it is out of space, it is responding slowly to requests. When I connect through WinSCP, and try to access a folder, I get a message stating that the host has not communicated for 15 seconds, still waiting. If you click the abort button, it will close the connection. From what I researched about this issue, if I just leave it alone, it will eventually read the directory. However, my problem is there is an abort button that counts down 60 seconds, then automatically disconnects me. Is there a way to remove this countdown so that the directory eventually comes up? Let me know if you need more information.