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Re: Winscp portable script running in background

I assume you are using WinSCP package from
This is not supported here.

Note that WinSCP is portable on its own:

So if you replace WinSCPPortable.exe with winscp.exe directly, or even better with, it would work as you need.

Winscp portable script running in background

Basically i have a batch script calling winscp and then manipulating the files(compression, parsing, copying, etc) once they are downloaded

The issue im running into is when i call my batch script, winscp seems to get executed into the background causing the remainder of the commands in the batch script to not work so well as not all files have been downloaded yet

The winscp call in my batch script is very simple and looks something like the following

<some batch script here>
folder\folder\WinSCPPortable.exe /script="winscp-script.txt"
<some batch script here>

Any ideas?