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Re: Inappropriate "disk missing" error messages

Please follow to the other post for my appeal for help.

Re: Inappropriate "disk missing" error messages

Thanks for confirmation.

Re: Inappropriate "disk missing" error messages

It is correct for my system: Win 2000 SP4 (ger)
- winscp365.exe size 908.288 works fine
- winscp366.exe size 927.232 has the bug

Re: Inappropriate "disk missing" error messages

On my system it works fine with 3.6.5 beta. Error messages appear in 3.6.6
Hope this helps

Can you please duble check this. Someone in the other post says that the problem was already present in 3.6.5 beta.

Re: Inappropriate "disk missing" error messages

On my system it works fine with 3.6.5 beta. Error messages appear in 3.6.6
Hope this helps

// Helmut

Re: Inappropriate "disk missing" error messages

Can someone check for me, in what version of WinSCP the problem was introduced? You may download the older versions on Sourceforge.

Re: Inappropriate "disk missing" error messages

Can you tell me at least what drives do you have and what devices are associated with them (CD-ROM, harddisk...).

Re: Inappropriate "disk missing" error messages

martin wrote:

Do you know what are the drive letters associated with the devices (Harddisk2\DRx).

No. I can make no sense of it.

Re: Inappropriate "disk missing" error messages

Do you know what are the drive letters associated with the devices (Harddisk2\DRx).
Ed Connell

Inappropriate "disk missing" error messages

Hi, I've used WinSCP in several versions with no trouble, but after I downloaded and installed 3.6.6, a strange thing has been happening. When I send a file from Windows Explorer to WinSCP, the usual logon stuff goes on. Then, up pops a dialog box. On the upper left corner it says WinSCP.exe and the main message is "No disk in drive". It advises me to put a disk in \DEVICE\Harddisk1\DR2. When I hit Cancel, it iterates through Harddisk2\DR3, Harddisk3\DR4, and Harddisk4\DR5, then it proceeds as normal and presents the window where I select the path on the remote machine.

The error messages follow all the usual progress messages including the one about reading the remote directory.

I can live with the problem since it always works properly after going through this drill, but obviously something is amiss.

I am using SCP.

Any help would be appreciated.

Ed Connell