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Topic review


Re: FileTransferProgress event still occurs

What is an accurate transfer speed for this case? You are asking WinSCP to check over 50 thousands files, where only 1 is actually transferred. Do you want to calculate speed for that single transfer against time the transfer took or again time the whole operation took? Neither seems relevant to me.

i'm wondering how to calculate an accurate transfer speed ?

a FileTransferStart Event could help ?

FileTransferProgress event still occurs


First of all, I believe that winscp is a better transfer tool than sharpssh or : easier to use, better performance on large files, multi-protocol support

I also want to point out that when downloading one file (with filemask selection) among 50 000 files, Session.FileTransferProgress event still occurs even if FileTransferProgressEventArgs.OverallProgress is 1 (100%)

In the meantime it seems to continue browsing skipping files (please find the attached session log)

Unless I am mistaken, there are other operations during getfiles execution so i'm wondering how to calculate an accurate transfer speed ?

Any advice and support would be appreciated

Thank you