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Topic review


Re: drag and drop

Windows XP will drop a copy of the dragged file in the same window. I'm running WinSCP 3.6.6, and it appears as though the ability to drop a copy in the same panel has been eliminated in this version - that's why I'm here, I thought it was a bug.

Please consider making this feature switchable, as I found it very useful and really miss it.

:-) I consider that.

Re: drag and drop

martin wrote:

I am using Windows NT. If I drag and drop a file in the SAME PANEL in Windows Explorer, nothing happens. What version of Windows does the duplication?

I may be wrong. I'll check it and eventually remove the duplication "feature".

Windows XP will drop a copy of the dragged file in the same window. I'm running WinSCP 3.6.6, and it appears as though the ability to drop a copy in the same panel has been eliminated in this version - that's why I'm here, I thought it was a bug.

Please consider making this feature switchable, as I found it very useful and really miss it.


Re: drag and drop

I am using Windows NT. If I drag and drop a file in the SAME PANEL in Windows Explorer, nothing happens. What version of Windows does the duplication?

I may be wrong. I'll check it and eventually remove the duplication "feature".

Re: drag and drop

martin wrote:

yue wrote:

1) When I drag a file WITHIN the local panel and drop it in the local panel. WinSCP creates a copy of the file in the local directory. Is this a special feature? I think it may be better if this operation does nothing. Copying the file within the local directory is not intuitive to me. What do you think?

Left panel imitates behavior of Windows Explorer. And WE does duplicate the file when dropped to the same folder.

I am using Windows NT. If I drag and drop a file in the SAME PANEL in Windows Explorer, nothing happens. What version of Windows does the duplication?


Re: drag and drop

yue wrote:

1) When I drag a file WITHIN the local panel and drop it in the local panel. WinSCP creates a copy of the file in the local directory. Is this a special feature? I think it may be better if this operation does nothing. Copying the file within the local directory is not intuitive to me. What do you think?

Left panel imitates behavior of Windows Explorer. And WE does duplicate the file when dropped to the same folder.
2) When I drag a file from remote panel onto an executable file in the local panel, the executable is run to open the remote file. Is this a feature? Can I disable it? I just want the remote file to be copied regardless whether I drop it onto an executable or onto some blank space in the local panel.

Option to disable this is on the wishlist already. I'll try to add it soon.
3) I noticed that there is an option in preference "Allow moving from remote directory to other applications". What does it do?

It allows you to use drag&drop to move files in addition to copy/duplicate them. However it has several drawbacks, so it is disabled by default.

drag and drop

I just installed WinSCP 3.6.5. My OS is windows 2000 professional. I have three questions about drag and drop:
1) When I drag a file WITHIN the local panel and drop it in the local panel. WinSCP creates a copy of the file in the local directory. Is this a special feature? I think it may be better if this operation does nothing. Copying the file within the local directory is not intuitive to me. What do you think?
2) When I drag a file from remote panel onto an executable file in the local panel, the executable is run to open the remote file. Is this a feature? Can I disable it? I just want the remote file to be copied regardless whether I drop it onto an executable or onto some blank space in the local panel.
3) I noticed that there is an option in preference "Allow moving from remote directory to other applications". What does it do?

Thank you for this great application.
