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Re: Upgrading from v4.3.2 to v5.5.1

neilr wrote:

So my question is: when installing the new version 5.5.1, will the installation allow me to install into the same folder as the old version and automatically import/use the existing accounts list.


Upgrading from v4.3.2 to v5.5.1

I want to upgrade from v4.3.2 to v5.5.1

Using Windows 7

I have a good number of FTP accounts saved in the version currently installed - perhaps 20 or so and I would like to preserve these accounts details during the upgrade. Before I go and install v5.5.1 I would like to know if this is possible within the normal install procedure.

So my question is: when installing the new version 5.5.1, will the installation allow me to install into the same folder as the old version and automatically import/use the existing accounts list.

Or will I need to set up all the accounts manually in the new version.

Many thanks,
