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whois101 wrote:

Holding shift down for an extended time does seem to work. Thank you for your help, and the great tool.

Did you hold it down long enough for WinSCP to actually start connecting?

Holding shift down for an extended time does seem to work. Thank you for your help, and the great tool.

Thank you. I will give it a try.

I'm aware that it's not 100% reliable. Problem is that start menu is out of WinSCP control. So the Shift key has to be hold down until WinSCP really starts (so that it can detect it). I have documented this:

Anyway, option to revert to previous behavior is tracked here:

Hello Martin, thank you for your reply, and thank you for the many years of WinSCP use that I've enjoyed so far.

I found that help item and tried it several times before I wrote this post, but it didn't work. After I received your reply, I tried it several times again. At the third or fourth try it started working. It worked twice, the next time if became a tab again, and the next time it started its own window. I think I'm doing the exact same thing each time, but the result is different.

I even tried to open a third session to another site I'm using, and it opened in the window of the second session, replacing that second session, not even in a tab. When I tried closing it, it suggested I was trying to close multiple sessions, but there was only one tab visible.

So, in summary, the SHIFT trick works sometimes, but most of the time it doesn't work for me.

Saved session opens in tab instead of new window

Starting with the newest versions (5.5.1 build 3970), when opening a new session from the Windows 7 Start menu, the new session starts in a new tab instead of a new window. This is extremely annoying behavior, since I need to drag files from one session to another. I haven't found a setting to change this bad behavior. Is there any way to change it, or does it require an update to the program?