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Topic review


Anonymous wrote:

Ps no plans to include FTP? I know it's a crap protocol but me and many others still need it for one reason or another...

There was too much written on this topic already :-)

By the way... Great app, congrats... And thanks...

Ps no plans to include FTP? I know it's a crap protocol but me and many others still need it for one reason or another...

Re: Using SFTP in remote box, can open only one file

martin wrote:

Possibility to open multiple files will be included in the next version.

I am really looking forward to this feature... I use winscp mainly to edit documents on a remote server and having to open one instance for each document I need to edit is the biggest drawback IMHO...

Re: Using SFTP in remote box, can open only one file

Possibility to open multiple files will be included in the next version.

Using SFTP in remote box, can open only one file

Using SFTP in remote box, can open only one file

Using SFTP in remote box, after I open the first document, WinSCP shows "Waiting for document to close' modal dialog and I cannot open any other file until I close the first one.

I was expecting to be able to open and work/edit several files at once... anything that I could do?
