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Re: Free disk space

With SCP protocol winSCP can run 'df' too. However this is not possible with SFTP, which is preferred protocol. SFTP does not have any way to detect free disk space.

Free disk space

WinSCP is a fantastic program, and it just gets better. However, I have not found a way to easily determine the amount of free disk space on the SSH server within WinSCP. Would it be possible to implement a command that would report the free space on the SSH server?

My current work-around is to choose 'Open in Putty' from the 'Commands' menu, use my password and then type either "du" or "df". However, it would be great if there was a direct disk free command from the WinSCP gui (in fact, it could simply be added to the page that appears when you choose "Server/protocol information" from the "Command" menu.
