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Topic review


Elyn Ong wrote:

Is there any way for me to use TEXT mode without remove the CR?

Converting the line-endings is practically the only point of using Text mode.
Elyn Ong

Is there any way for me to use TEXT mode without remove the CR?

Re: Uploaded File Missing CR

Sorry, I do not understand what the problem is.

If you want WinSCP to alter the file for destination end-of-line convention, use text mode (what seems to work in your case correctly).

If you want WinSCP to transfer the file as is (binary identically), use binary mode.
Elyn Ong

Uploaded File Missing CR

I have downloaded a file using Text Mode and the i can see with CRLF.
However, when i upload with Text Mode, the CR is missing and left only LF.

I also try to upload as Binary Mode and the content is as per my downloaded file.
May i know whether is there any setup need to be done if upload it using TEXT mode for a text file?