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Re: Special Chars

martin wrote:

BillAtCDOTUS wrote:

I will see if I can temporarily change the password though I doubt that is the problem.

Did you try?
No luck getting it changed.

martin wrote:

BillAtCDOTUS wrote:

Rev 2 of the protocol sounds ancient so I'm going to see if the other company can update their server.
Do you mean SSH-2.0? That's the latest version.

No. I mean "Preferred SFTP protocol version" as you've called in options. I think I mentioned that I got psftp working after I used the full installer.

Re: Special Chars

BillAtCDOTUS wrote:

I will see if I can temporarily change the password though I doubt that is the problem.

Did you try?

Rev 2 of the protocol sounds ancient so I'm going to see if the other company can update their server.

Do you mean SSH-2.0? That's the latest version.

Re: SFTP just won't connect for me BUT Filezilla OK

Ellen wrote:

I saw this on the forum and since we are having a problem connecting I wondered would having the password of the connecting user account end with an exclamation point aka bang "!" create a connection problem? Thank you.

No bangs and the pw ends in a number

Re: SFTP just won't connect for me BUT Filezilla OK

martin wrote:

Is there any special (non-English letter/digit) character in your password?

Strange it that Filezilla works while psftp does not, as Filezilla uses psftp internally. What version of Filezilla and psftp are you using?

I saw this on the forum and since we are having a problem connecting I wondered would having the password of the connecting user account end with an exclamation point aka bang "!" create a connection problem? Thank you.

psftp does work

I was able to get psftp to work after I did a full install instead of grabbing just the exe (at least that's the theory).


Forgot: Current rev of Filezilla 3.7.4

Special Chars

Yes, of course, there are special chars. They are mandated. I work for the state of Colorado so we have to. The characters are not all that special (ones on the numbers of a US keyboard). I will see if I can temporarily change the password though I doubt that is the problem. I find it odd the server responded with no alternates. Rev 2 of the protocol sounds ancient so I'm going to see if the other company can update their server. I was hoping you'd seen this before.

Re: SFTP just won't connect for me BUT Filezilla OK

Is there any special (non-English letter/digit) character in your password?

Strange it that Filezilla works while psftp does not, as Filezilla uses psftp internally. What version of Filezilla and psftp are you using?

SFTP just won't connect for me BUT Filezilla OK

Version of WinSCP you are using (you should be using the latest version if possible).

5.5.1 downloaded today
If the problem started to occur after upgrade, mention the last version of WinSCP which was working for you1).

First install. First attempt which I've tried for over three hours to get to work. I've googled until I had no more options. I really tried ;-)
Version of Microsoft Windows you are running WinSCP on.

2008 R2
Transfer protocol (SFTP, FTP or SCP).

Mention if you use GUI or scripting/automation. If you use GUI, specify interface style you are using (Commander or Explorer).

GUI at this point but the goal is automation. Commander UI.
If you experience an error, include full error message. You may use Ctrl+C to copy the message, then paste it (Ctrl+V) to the post. Also check list of common error messages.

Title bar isn't copy-able but says: Disconnected: No supported authentication methosd available (server sent: )
Authentication log (see session log for details):
Using username "mycorpititials"
Further authentication required
Access denied.
Yes, you read that right. The server sent _nothing_ which you will also see in the enclosed log files
Try to describe precise steps that lead to the problem (where do you click, what keys do you press, what do you see, etc.). If you are not able to reproduce the problem with the steps, it is probably not worth to report it as I will not be able to reproduce it (and solve) too.

Filled out information about the server's IP address, our account's user name and password, and saved. Even tried creating a new Site. Tried connecting. Got error.

The frustrating thing is Filezilla WORKS. I've tried absolutely everything I can think of and am sure it's the server is stupid (and old). It's not my server nor can I change it. Note, this is a "portable" copy of the app. Also, PSFTP has the same problem.
If your problems relates to interaction with remote server, please post a full log file showing the problem.

Both WinSCP and Filezilla logs are attached.